Research Committees
The EHSO is responsible for providing administrative management and assistance for two Faculty Research Committees:
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
IBC - Notice of Intent (NOI) Form
The IBC - NOI Form is utilized by the IBC to gather primary information from research and teaching faculty in order to evaluate potential biohazardous exposures to faculty, staff, and students during laboratory and clinical activities in Mercer University facilities.
If you have additional questions or need further assistance, please contact the EHSO.
Institutional Radiation Safety Committee (IRSC)
The President of Mercer University designates the Senior Vice Provost for Research & Institutional Official (IO) as the individual responsible for administrative oversight of the Radiation Safety Program. The Senior Vice Provost for Research & Institutional Official appoints the members of the Institutional Radiation Safety Committee.
The IRSC Chair and/or the University Radiation Safety Officer (URSO) can announce meetings as needed to conduct necessary business activities of the committee.
All meetings will be recorded in the form of minutes.
Minutes will be distributed to all members for approval.
In order to conduct business that requires voting, at least one half of the members must be present, including the University Radiation Safety Officer (URSO).
Members of the IRSC are expected to:
1. Participate in requested business activities
2. Understand the conditions of Mercer's Specific Limited License
3. Review Mercer's Radiation Safety Manual
4. Recognize the inherent authority of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Rules and Regulations for Radioactive Materials, Chapter 391-3-17
5. Committee members must review for approval or disapproval all applications to use radionuclides, including protocol / project descriptions. This process may be conducted outside of the official meetings, via online delivery of applications to all members. Then, a vote will be conducted via email. Results of the vote will be discussed at the next scheduled meeting and recorded in the minutes
6. The committee will consider all situations brought forward by any member, or any concerned individual
7. Members will selectively participate in an annual review of the radiation safety program.
The IRSC in conjunction with the URSO has the authority to identify radiation safety problems and initiate recommendations and corrective actions.
Applying to Use Ionizing Radiation
A faculty member, or Principle Investigator who wishes to use radioactive material ( to become an Authorized User - AU on Mercer's State of Georgia License ) regardless of quantity (exempt quantities are not excluded) or any instrument that generates ionizing radiation must follow the procedure outlined below.
1. A Statement of Training and Experience in Radioisotope Handling form must be completed and submitted to the RSO and/or URSO.
2. An Application for a Permit to Use Radionuclides must be completed and submitted to the RSO and/or URSO.
Notes:The <Statement of Training and Experience> form is required if you are applying to the IRSC for the first time. Once you have been approved as an Authorized User on Mercer's State of Georgia License, you will be allowed to bypass this form when submitting future applications, unless the IRSC requests additional training information for consideration of new protocols and/or project descriptions. However, an <Application for a Permit to Use Radionuclides> form must be completed and submitted to the RSO and/or URSO for requests to purchase, possess, & use additional radioisotopes and/or new protocol and/or new project descriptions.
For more information, please refer to the Radiation Safety Manual.
If you have additional questions or need further assistance, please contact the EHSO.
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